Did you know that there are some really interesting facts about Google that many people probably do not know? For instance, when Google was just a mere research project, the founders used LEGO bricks to create a storage compartment for the 10 four gigabyte hard drives that were being used to test the PageRank algorithm. Not only is it interesting to know that they used LEGOs, but the fact that they used a total of only 40 gigabytes is kind of amazing. Forty gigabytes today is a mere drop in the bucket when it comes to available space on most modern computers. SEO marketing has also come a long way from those early days.
In the early days of search engine optimization, we relied on just simply using keywords a bunch of times in our content or meta tags, and we would usually get some top billing on those search results. However, today SEO marketing has become much more sophisticated and much more important to marketing in general.
About 57% of B2B marketers indicate that SEO marketing has the largest influence on their lead generation. This may be due to the fact that more than 88 percent of all Internet users in the United States, ages 14 and up, browsed or researched products online in 2012. About 40% of those will follow up on social media for more information before making a purchase.
SEO marketing also needs to understand the difference between paid and organic listings. You may be interested to know that organic click throughs actually generate 25% higher conversion rates than the equivalent pay per click through rates.
SEO marketing today must also take into consideration the use of mobile device usage. Research shows that by 2014, mobile device usage will actually overtake the use of desktop computers. Therefore, having a site that is optimized for use by these devices is an integral part of SEO marketing.
SEO marketing also includes more than just getting high page ranks. SEO marketing today includes email marketing campaigns and ensuring that a company has a strong social media presence.
As you can see, SEO marketing has come a long way from the days of using tiny hard drives and LEGOs.